Lesley Gardens holds Affordable Housing Week open house Saturday

Press release

By on Wed, May 16, 2007

Affordable Housing Week [pdf] is May 12-19.  In Half Moon Bay, Lesley Gardens is holding an open house on Saturday. 

Come stop by anytime between 11am-2pm on Saturday, May 19, to see the site and to learn more about how affordable housing benefits our entire community.  A delicious BBQ lunch will be provided; ongoing tours of the building and residential units will be offered as well.  At noon, a short program will feature remarks by local officials, resident testimonials, and the Coastside premiere of a short documentary by National Image Works about affordable housing in San Mateo County.  This event is co-sponsored by the Lesley Foundation and the San Mateo County Department of Housing.  RSVPs are appreciated; please contact Dorcas Cheng-Tozun at 650.802.5040 or [email protected] to RSVP or for additional information.