Letter: An alternative to ordinary Christmas presents, Saturday in Pacifica

Letter to the editor

By on Wed, December 5, 2007

The Coastside Alternative Gift Fair will be Saturday, Dec 8 from 10am to 3pm at Ocean Shore Elementary School, 411 Oceana Blvd in  Pacifica [Google map].

The alternative gift fair features 10 to 15 nonprofits who have information tables on what they are about.  You can then purchase a "gift" (donate in honor of someone).  Last year I gave  funds to buy a goat in Africa (Heifer International) and several other charities.  They prepare a very nice calligraphy card and it is a wonderful alternative to buying yet another necktie, scarf etc.

Last year they had some nice baked goods and some Montara performers as well.

Price: Free. Phone: (650) 355-5193

Margot Lowry