Letter: Coastside Democrats kick into high gear for the election season


By on Tue, September 16, 2008

Party on September 21, Sunday, from 3PM to 6PM

First and foremost, join us for some fun on Sunday, September 21, from 3PM to 6PM at Half Moon Bay Brewery. 

Get to know local Obama/Biden supporters, meet local Democratic officials and candidates, including Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and Congresswoman Jackie Speier. 

Live music by Pamela Rose and Glenn Waters!  Get some Obama Beer, or other refreshment of your choice (no host bar.) 

Great food will be provided!  Everyone is welcome!  Invite friends and family!

And Talk to Your Neighbors

Print out 25 of the flyers for the party (found here: http://coastsidedemocrats.org/invitation2008.pdf) and walk them around your neighborhood to invite your neighbors to come. 

If you have questions, please call 650-867-0745. 

Want to help in a "Swing State"?  Work here to help in Nevada, or go there!

Come to Reno!  Contact April Vargas at 650-728-5215 or at [email protected] to find out how you can join the many Californians who are working to help the Obama/Biden ticket in a critical Swing State- 1%-2% may make the difference for turning Nevada blue. 

Volunteers can access a database of Nevada voters and call from their homes, or the Democratic headquarters at The Tom Lantos Memorial San Mateo County Democratic Campaign Headquarters, 628 El Camino Real, San Carlos, 650-394-4171 http://www.sanmateodemocrats.org/.

Click below for the rest of the newsletter.

A Key to Victory—Voter Registration

Volunteer here on the Coastside.  To help at the Coastside Farmers’ Market:

September 27 contact Leigh Dreo at 650-560-9396 or at [email protected],

October 11 contact Marta Jacobsen, 650-712-0218, [email protected]

To help at the Eco-Solar Tour, Saturday, September 27, contact Marta Jacobsen, 650-712-0218, [email protected]

To help with critical Latino outreach, please contact Shirley Holley at 650-726-2683 or at [email protected]

Pumpkin Festival volunteers also needed to staff a voter registration tables there on October 18 and 19.  Please contact Christina Bechtold, 650-726-4909, [email protected]

Another Key to Victory—Talk to Your Neighbors (Made Easy!)

The most effective way to get people active and voting is to talk to them directly.

To join the Neighborhood Leader Program check out

Click here: San Mateo County Democratic Party

Or contact Brigid O’Farrell, 650-728-3380, [email protected] or April Vargas, 650-728-5215 or at [email protected]

The Obama/Biden campaign also features a great tool that will help you identify Californians to contact about the campaign. 

http://my.barackobama.com/page/votercontact/landing All you are asked to do is call these people once.  There is a prepared script.  Couldn’t be easier!

To sum it up, if you want an Obama/Biden Victory in November then pitch in some time.  Even a couple of hours will make a big difference. 

Local Democrats Make The News!

April Vargas, an Obama Delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Denver and our elected representative on the San Mateo Democratic Central Committee, is coordinating Obama/Biden efforts for the Coastside.  April was featured in the Half Moon Bay Review on August 27, 2008.


T. J. Glauthier, former Deputy Secretary of Energy in the Clinton Administration, was recently interviewed as part of the Montara Fog series on Green Building Trail Blazers.  The Montara Fog features the video here:


Join Us!

Our website is http://www.coastsidedemocrats.org.  Please stop by regularly!  We encourage you to join the Club as well.  Dues are reasonable and we have discounts for students and senior citizens.  We feature a low-volume email list to keep you in touch with fellow Democrats and similarly minded independent voters.

Deborah Lagutaris