Letter: Coastside Farmer’s Market field notes


By on Fri, September 12, 2008

I do hope you’ll forgive the long distance between versions of Field Notes! I have been a busy, busy gal lately, and Field Notes had to go by the wayside while I messed about with little projects like, oh, running the Marketplace part of Slow Food Nation for one thing, and trying to get a bunch of hens some kind of refuge from marauding wildlife.  Namely me.  

While I have been remiss in the missive department, that should not suggest I have been missing other market missives, and maddeningly there have been a few of late that have mislead many Marketeers into thinking the season is closer to and end than is strictly true.  So - here, straight from the source is the real poop. 

The Market is scheduled to run well into December, ending on December 17 in Pacifica, and December 20 in Half Moon Bay.  There, I’ve said it. 

And yes, it’s true, many of our farmers will begin easing out for the season as yields wane, but they are all here now, and will be through late Novmeber as always. Then a few will drop for the season , but then  we’ll be joined by a few choice locals as Crab season opens in November, the citrus comes on real strong just in time to combat winter colds, and any number of gorgeous squashes are at their peak in the late fall early winter months. 

In the meantime, the good news for you is that the cooler than normal summer means a long season for stone fruit, melons and tomatoes, all of which are in abundance now.  The season’s first pressing of new crop apple cider is appearing at the Pacifica Market, even as some mountain varieties of peaches are still coming to Market.  And I gotta tell you, that puts me on about the 3rd block of 7th Heaven Street. 

In the past few weeks we have welcomed a number of new folks to our community, including my new best friend Steve from Santa Cruz Pasta Factory. He makes ( yes, this is about to sound weird but go with it if you can) a ravioli stuffed with black beans that is just plain yummy and quite surprising when tossed with a warm ( not hot) salsa cruda of Adriana’s dry-farmed early girl tomatoes, Maria’s gorgeous red onions Eda’s cilantro and the Garrisons sweet, raw Brentwood corn.  Ayi.  If you pile the whole warm mess on a generous chopping of Farmer John’s romaine, well there’s a dang good south of the border type summer salad supper.

Big shout out is due to my pal Dee Harley, who continues to amaze and inspire a host of afficianodos de fromage on the cheese award circuit.  Her recent big win of five separate awards includes two First Place nods at the American Cheese Society’s 25th annual awards recently held in Chicago.  Yet another best in class for one of our own.  And did you know, lucky people, that our little Market is the ONLY Farmer’s Market that Harley Farms attends.  Cool, huh?  Come grab a little piece of the pride of Pescadero and smear it on your Bay Bread Baguette.  Seriously, with some melon and a few slim shavings of duck prosciutto from Serge?  C’mon.  This is what Sunday mornings were made for.

Thanks again to you the Market faithful, who come and shop and schmooze with or without my rambling shenanigans, and to our cadre of Market sponsors who just got me past yet another round of fee schedules and inspections!

See you at the Market!


Erin Tormey
Coastside Farmers Markets

In Half Moon Bay @ Shoreline Station
Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm
Opening day: May 3, 2008

In Pacifica @ Rockaway Beach
Wednesdays, 2:30 -6:30pm
Opening Day: May 7, 2008