Letter: Coastside Hope says “Thank you!”

Letter to the editor

By on Mon, August 20, 2007

Victoria Ortiz
Cheri Parr
Cheri Parr

The staff and clients of Coastside Hope would like to say a special thank you to the community for your donations and support of our Back to School clothing give-away.  Hundreds of low-income families were able to shop for both new and used clothes because of your generosity.  We’d also like to thank Torrid at Hillsdale Mall for their continued support and donation of brand new clothing, shoes and accessories for women and girls. 

For over 30 years Coastside Hope has been the primary provider of safety net services for the coastside community. We were formerly known as the Coastside Opportunity Center but we recently changed our name to Coastside Hope to better reflect what we bring to our clients and our community….hope for a better and more secure future. 

Be it through our monthly food harvest, emergency shelter and rental assistance services, crisis intervention and referral services, clothing vouchers, Christmas Adopt a Family program, or our citizenship services, Coastside Hope brings hope to the working poor, the needy, and to low income families and seniors. In so doing we touch the lives of well over 3,000 men, women and children every year.

Coastside Hope relies on the generosity of coastsiders who care about helping their fellow coastsiders for almost one-third of our funding.  Over 90% of every dollar given goes directly to goods and services for those in need. Without this support and the countless hours of time contributed by our many volunteers, we would not be able to continue to make the critical difference in so many lives.  If you are interested in supporting Coastside Hope, we’d love to hear from you.  Call our Executive Director Fatima Soares at 650-726-9071 or community advocate Cheri Parr at 650-576-8991.