Letter: Coastside runners complete Headlands 50


By on Thu, August 14, 2008


I’m a member of the Coastside Running Club and four of us successfully completed a 50 mile race last Saturday.  The race is called the Headlands 50 and is put on by the Pacific Coast Trail Runs company. They held a 100 mile event at the same time. The results are listed here: http://www.pctrailruns.com/HH_Results_08.htm

The four of us are:
Eric Vaughan, age 48, from El Granada—9 hours 16 minutes
Ron Little, age 37, from Montara—9 hours 47 minutes
Franz Dill, age 32, from La Honda—10 hours 37 minutes
Mike Weston, age 47, from La Honda—13 hours 13 minutes

Some of us wrote up race reports and added pictures:
Ron Little—http://www.ronlittle.blogspot.com/
Franz Dill—http://dillweedrunner.blogspot.com/
Mike Weston—http://mweston.wordpress.com/