Letter: County should reimburse Mike Ferreira for recount

Letter to the editor

By on Fri, December 23, 2005

As a friend and supporter of Bonnie’s, I don’t hesitate to support the proposition that Mike should have his recount payments to the County refunded.
It turns out that the certified count was not nearly as accurate as the County believed it to be.  The tally of the of votes cast in person was spot on.  The tally of absentee votes was not.
Were it not for Mike’s recount, the County would not have learned that accurately counting absentee voting is considerably more difficult than counting votes cast in person.
When absentee voting accounts for ten percent of the total vote, it is unlikely that a to be a problem.
However, with absentee voting accounting for nearly half the votes this election and trending upwards, we owe a debt of gratitude to Bonnie and Mike for maintaining a great deal of civility towards each other during the process thereby keeping the spot light on the accuracy of the vote tally.
Thanks to the recount, the County now knows something that only experience can teach, namely that the trend towards absentee voting has created an unprecedented challenge to those who tally the votes.
George Cresson
Burlingame, CA