Letter: Ferreira says “Let’s give Bonnie McClung a chance”

Letter to the editor

By on Sun, January 1, 2006

The election is over.  The election was not a direct choice between Bonnie and I.  Rather,  Bonnie was the third highest vote-getter in a field of six contesting for three seats, and I was the fourth.  The margin between third and fourth place ended up being excruciatingly small but the recount has confirmed that the reduced margin (unofficially, eight votes) is nonetheless a margin in her favor. There’s no rule that modifies the result because of the closeness of the result.  She’s our Councilmember for the next four years.

Let’s think back to the campaign.  Bonnie did not engage in the divisive rhetoric that various spearchuckers and promoters revelled in.  She kept her message positive.  That wasn’t easy for her given all of the factions that were looking for punch/counterpunch.  Her restraint should be recognized for the strength that it took to maintain it.

There is also political merit in her restraint in that it means she hasn’t publicly committed herself to any radical changes.  Which means she has the flexibility to assess issues on an "as new" basis. Sure, she has a point of view that will affect those assessments. But she also has had a career in government and administration which gives her an inclination toward consensus, not confrontation.  That governmental experience could also be a benefit to the Council’s interaction with City staff.

So, let’s give Bonnie a chance by observing her interaction on the Council on a variety of issues.  By letting her make a number of decisions before we draw any conclusions - we’ll be drawing more accurate conclusions.

Mike Ferreira
Half Moon Bay