Letter: George Muteff takes his City Council campaign to right-wing radio

Letter to the editor

By on Wed, October 12, 2005

Even by the ultraconservative Republican standards of Bay Area radio talk show KSFO [KSFO’s flag-themed website], the Brian Sussman Show stands out as the loudest daily rant. To Sussman, the Bay Area is the "belly of the beast," the heart of liberalism he despises. In a seemingly endless loop of mean-spirited invective, Sussman lambasts social programs of any type, environmentalism, public education and the Democratic Party.

So it was instructive Tuesday at drive time to listen to Half Moon Bay City Council candidate George Muteff attacking Mayor Jim Grady, Councilman Mike Ferreira, and by extension, Steve Skinner, who are running for Council as a team.

As Sussman screamed in astonishment, Muteff described how City Council had actually bought property to build a public park! And how Council was conspiring to take away property rights, despite all evidence to the contrary. "Hippies!" Sussman called Muteff’s opposition, never mind that Grady is a corporate executive, Ferreira a businessman and Skinner a realtor. Muteff ended his attack by calling on support for himself as well as Naomi Patridge and Bonnie McClung.

Then Sussman was on to his next hatchet job.