Letter: Happy Thanksgiving from the League for Coastside Protection


By on Wed, November 26, 2008

As an ongoing part of the League for Coastside Protection’s Outreach Program, I would like to report on two of our recent happenings.

This is a wonderful heartwarming story

I went to Safeway Monday morning to buy some turkeys to be given to Coastside Hope by the League for Coastside Protection.  I started to load six of these birds into my cart when a lady told me that Safeway had a limit of two.  I told her and the two women she was with that the turkeys were donations by the League to a local charity.  Upon hearing this, she volunteered to buy two, one of her friends said she would buy two and the third woman said she would purchase one for Coastside Hope and the other for her family.  After check out, these wonderful people transferred their turkeys into my cart.  In addition, they placed a flat of tangerines and a 10 lb. bag of potatoes.


There are wonderful people on the Coastside

On Saturday, November 15, we had a successful clean-up at Francis State Park.  The volunteers started the trash pickup at Kelly Avenue, went south on the beach to the Ritz Carlton while some of these folks headed north to Miramar.  We were blessed with beautiful weather and a spectacular ocean swell.  The commemorative League for Coastside hats were just the ticket to keep the sun off our faces.

More than 80 people, both adults and children, participated.  Some of our beach cleaners came from as far as San Jose and the East Bay.

John Lynch