Letter: Help local seniors on Martin Luther King Day of Service, Monday


By on Wed, January 14, 2009

Cheri Parr
Cheri Parr

To celebrate Martin Luther King Day on the Coastside, a group of volunteers from the Coastside Democrats, Community United Methodist Church and others will be gathering at Bloom Lane in Half Moon Bay to help make life a little easier for Low Income Seniors.

We have about 20 seniors who need help with light gardening, house cleaning, and small repairs.

How can you help?  If you can spare a few hours on Monday, January 19th, we can put you to work.  We’ll be meeting at 11:00am at the Bloom Lane Community Center to match volunteers with Seniors for a few hours of TLC.  The event will run from 11:00am to 3:00pm and each senior will need just a few hours of help.  This event will include our usual Monday Brown Bag food distribution, as well as our service effort.

If you can’t attend, but still want to help, we can certainly use donations of cleaning or gardening supplies.

If you are interested in helping, please contact Cheri Parr, who can be reached at [email protected] or via phone at 650-576-8991.  Email is best , but if you call and get voicemail, please leave a message.