Letter: Introducing Girlventures to the Coastside

Letter to the editor

By on Mon, January 22, 2007

On Sunday, February 4th, 3 – 5 pm, I am hosting a party to introduce my friends on the coast to an organization that is near and dear to my heart –- Girlventures .

Girlventures is like my first baby; I co-founded it in 1997, and we are now celebrating our tenth year of empowering adolescent girls to develop and express their strengths through outdoor adventure, creative arts and group experiences.

Although Girlventures serves girls from all over the bay area, girls from the San Mateo coast are underrepresented in our programs. I am looking for people to help me change that! The first step is just to let people know about what GirlVentures does. Then we’ll try to find some girls from around here who would benefit from these great programs and hook them up with Girlventures. We may even raise some money to contribute to the scholarship fund. (2/3 of the girls get tuition assistance, half of those get full scholarships.)

Would you be interested in coming over for a party and meeting some of the girls who have gone on Girventures programs? I promise you it will be inspiring and fun.

My hope is that you will help me get together a group of Coastsiders who should know about Girlventures: potential participants (6th-8th grade girls and their families, or families with younger girls), people who might be able to introduce us to participants (middle school teachers or counselors with a passion for supporting girls), potential volunteers and donors.

Elizabeth McLeod