Letter: LCP defends Midcoast Council to Supervisor Gordon

Letter to the editor

By on Wed, January 30, 2008

The League for Coastside Protection has copied us on a letter to Supervisor Rich Gordon, supporting the Midcoast Community Council. Supervisor Gordon has asked whether the MCC has outlived its usefulness.

Dear Supervisor Gordon:

The League for Coastside Protection fully supports the Midcoast Community Council (MCC).
The current MCC was only recently chosen by coastside voters, so it would be virtually unprecedented to nullify a popular vote, regardless of the jurisdictional status of the MCC. One of the decisions that came out of its second meeting was to hold a retreat to acknowledge and address some of the inadequacies that many representative bodies face.  This should help assuage concern that the MCC is unaware of some constituents’ concerns.

Touching upon the issue of "sparse" attendance, MCC meetings are televised, which alleviates some attendance pressure. Also, it is our experience that a packed room usually requires intense neighborhood issues.  Additionally, there has been an admitted lack of focus at past meetings, which the new president Leonard Woren is addressing.

The Midcoast Community Council helps provide your office with the opinions and concerns of those of us who live in your district.  This is a valuable service that should be continued and applauded. We need this advisory layer to distinguish the Coast from other districts, which do not have the land use issues we face.  Since the California Coastal Commission will be looking at the revised Local Coastal Program for the Midcoast in March, local coastside representation is a valuable, local voice for continued input into that process. 
Having monthly office hours and intermittent communications with your coastal constituents, albeit appreciated and necessary, is still not the same as having a local advisory board. We think that any attempt to dismantle this democratically elected organization is ill conceived. Since the decision was made to hold an election and not appoint council members, such an action would send the message to coastal constituents that their vote does not matter and that their local organization can be wiped away in the face of any criticism.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your letter to the Review.  The League for Coastside Protection endorsed all three of the newly elected council members and we know they will work hard for the residents of the coastside and your constituents.
Dana M. Kimsey, LCP co-chair                            