Letter: LCP endorses Moseley, Johnson for CUSD board


By on Sun, October 19, 2008

The San Mateo County League for Coastside Protection endorses John Moseley and Ken Johnson for the Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) Governing Board.

The Mission of the League for Coastside Protection (LCP) is to defend the coast by supporting those who uphold the spirit and substance of the California Coastal Act.  We work to elect responsible public officials who will preserve and enhance the quality of life on the coast for residents and visitors, protecting the coastside environment, agriculture and fisheries.

We endorse two candidates with strong views and clear differences when it comes to running our schools.  Where they clearly agree is that the children of the Coastside are the school district’s responsibility, and neither of these candidates brings any other agenda to the CUSD Board. Both John Moseley and Ken Johnson have demonstrated long term, sincere interest in providing the very best outcomes for our youth.

The League for Coastside Protection urges you to vote for John Moseley and Ken Johnson for the Cabrillo Unified School District.
Dana M. Kimsey                           
Scott Boyd
LCP Co-chairs