Letter: More construction proposed next to Farallone View, meeting Thursday

Letter to the editor

By on Wed, April 11, 2007

There is yet another proposal for a new house on the triangular lot between Farallone View Elementary and 3rd street. This proposal involves opening up Kanoff Street to traffic next to the school, as well as, creating additional water runoff downstream of the construction.

We have been told by the county that the Coastside Design Review Committee’s primary objective of this meeting is to consider the appropriateness of the structure itself.  The community will also have an opportunity to identify items that should be considered in future reviews.

If you are interested in hearing more about this proposed construction, as well as, entering your opinion re: the proposal, attend the review meeting on Thursday, April 12th at 1:30 p.m. at the Sheriff’s Office in Moss Beach.

Mary Duffy