Letter: Never too busy to help Coastside seniors

Letter to the editor

By on Thu, December 21, 2006

by Vicki Cormack, Coordinator of Volunteers and Home Rehabilitation for Senior Coastsiders.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Coastside community organizations always welcome to share their needs with Coastsider readers.

There’s so much to be thankful for and so many people wanting to help out in the community once the season of giving is underway. Amid the lights and decorations, the long lists and the anticipation, there are people in town who could use some holiday help.

Senior Coastsiders matches volunteers with seniors and adults with disabilities in the community all year long. But this is certainly a good time to get started.  This weekend the thrift store was decorated elegantly and there’s a lot of wonderful holiday fare to be purchased at an affordable price. But to keep the shelves stocked and the items displayed attractively, we need help during the week and on weekends.

At the holidays, many people feel moved to volunteer. But we need volunteers all year long. Each day of the week, Senior Coastsiders offers delicious and healthy hot meals at lunchtime to people in our dining room and also to homebound seniors through our meals on wheels program.  We could use help with delivering the meals and serving the food at our center.

At special events, including Seniors Night which will be happening later this winter, volunteers pour out of every corner. They hoist balloons, set out beautiful decorations, entertain guests and escort home bound seniors to a festive gala. If you like big parties or if you would enjoy spending time with our local seniors on one exceptional night, please let us know,

Do you like shopping? Many of our clients could use help going shopping or having someone shop for them. There is also a need for friendly visitors and for assistance with reading and also with getting to doctor’s appointments. There is a world of opportunities for anyone with an interest in being with older adults on the coastside. If you have some time in the New Year and would like to volunteer with us,  please call Senior Coastsiders at (650) 726-9056.