Letter: Please support Open Mic Night at Caffe Lucca

Letter to the editor

By on Tue, May 30, 2006

Cafe Lucca in Montara hosts an Open Mic night every other Saturday night, from 7 to 9 p.m.  It’s a great place to come out and hear music, poetry and comedy from many coastsiders and visitors to the coast.  With a very family-friendly environment, the Open Mic night provides a great opportunity to see the wide variety of talent here on the coast. 

Unfortunately, with the slide closing and perhaps general weekend travel, the Open Mic has seen a decline in attendance of both performers and audience over the past month or so.  There is a chance that it will be cancelled if there is not a greater attendance on future dates.  I would just like to ask residents of the coast to please come out and support this event.

Montara residents can easily walk to this event.  Lacking any town center in Montara, the Open Mic is also a great way to meet your neighbors.  Please come on down.  Montara Mike, Montara Mark and the 4th Street Experience will be playing.  It’s a lot of fun.

The next Open Mic is this Saturday, June 3rd, from 7-9 p.m.

Mike McCall