Letter: Sign and distribute a petition to Trader Joe’s

Letter to the editor

By on Wed, June 14, 2006

Now is the time for all coastsiders to work towards getting Trader Joe’s to come to the coastside.
Please get behind an extensive and aggressive three-week campaign to gather a minimum of 5000 signed petitions to be delivered to Trader Joe’s Headquarters in early July 2006.
We will need coordinators and petition gatherers to walk their neighborhoods and sign up for two hour shifts at Albertson’s, drug stores, coffee houses and the post offices, as well as asking local businesses to display the petitions.
Contact me if you want to assist with coordination so we can coordinate shifts of petition gatherers. Additionally, contact me by phone or e-mail if you want to participate in this petition gathering effort.

This will be a great opportunity to show that we, as the coastside community, can come together on this most important issue.

Download your PDF copy of the petition form from Coastsider.

John Lynch
Frenchman’s Creek, HMB

[email protected]   