Letter: Who is stealing Leland Yee’s signs?

Letter to the editor

By on Mon, April 3, 2006

It is truly unbelievable. Have they have no morals, no honesty, no sense of decency?

As a volunteer for State Assemblymen Leland Yee, who is running against Mike Nevin and Lou Papan for State Senator, I have been posting Leland’s signs. It seems that we can’t prevent signs from being stolen whether it be local or statewide issues.

On Friday March 24th, with the permission of the owner, we posted a large 4’ X 6’ Leland Yee sign on the property west of Tom and Pete’s (Southeast corner of Hwy. 1 and Hwy. 92). There was a much smaller sign at that location for Mike Nevin which we did not touch or interfere with.

By noontime Monday Yee’s sign had been removed. Mike Nevin’s sign was still there. A check with both the Half Moon Bay and CalTrans corporation yards established that they had not removed the sign—-thus it was stolen.

The value of each sign is in excess of $80—-this constitutes grand theft-larceny.

Another identical sign was posted at the same location at mid-afternoon Saturday. April 1st. On each lower corner of the sign stated in large bold letters "Posted with owner’s permission-Removal constitutes grand theft-larceny". By mid-day today, Monday, April 3rd the sign had again been taken. Mike Nevin’s sign is still there and untouched.

Immediately I went to the Half Moon Bay police to report the theft. Case No. 06-488. I was advised to put up a third sign at that location, advise the police when it is posted and they will monitor and patrol at that location.

Is this democracy in action?

John F.  Lynch
Half Moon Bay