Letter: YMCA applies to log 733 acres in La Honda

Letter to the editor

By on Thu, August 10, 2006

A logging plan has been submitted to the California Department of Forestry (CDF) by the YMCA San Francisco, owners of Jones Gulch. The organization plans to log 733 acres of the 907 acre property, cutting 60% of redwood and fir trees 18 inches in diameter or larger, on slopes of 5% to 80%.

Though old growth (40+ inches) would likely be excluded in the first round of cutting, the permit would be in perpetuity, and every 15 years another round of logging could occur with no more public input, and old growth could be cut then.

The proposed logging would result in ten truckloads per day for 8-10 weeks, winter harvesting, impacts to local creeks and to our community.

The CDF’s only public meeting will be Thursday, August 17,  at 7pm at the La Honda Fire Station. CDF just sent out public notices for this meeting and would not postpone it, so PLEASE  ATTEND!

Tell them what you think: YMCA Camp Jones Gulch: phone 650-747-1200. Fax 650-747-0986.

Patty Mayall
La Honda