Local Coastal Program Update and Midcoast Groundwater Study on the MCC Agenda
The Midcoast Community Council meets this Wednesday at 7:30pm at Seton Medical Center. Steve Monowitz, Senior Planner and Interim Planning Department Director for San Mateo County will present on two related topics.
First is the continuing process between San Mateo County and the Coastal Commission to complete the Local Coastal Program (LCP) Update. Steve’s presentation will focus on the seven remaining open issues. Second is the Midcoast Groundwater Study – Phase III, which has recently been released. Steve will give an overview of the document and discuss its impact on one of the LCP issues, a moratorium on private wells in the Midcoast.
Also on the agenda is comment on a permit by La Costanera restaurant requesting new operating hours (an 11am opening for lunch service, instead of the current 5pm opening for dinner service only). This action would be associated with a reduction of spaces reserved for parking by users of Montara State Beach.
The meeting will be broadcast live on MCTV. Links to information on both topics are available at the MCC website. LCP information will remain available at the new MCC web page for the LCP containing links to background and current documents including tonight’s presentations.
Len Erickson
Vice-Chair, Midcoast Community Council