Letter: Pacifica Beach Coalition wins $10,000 to help our coastal waters

Thank you friends, family, Earth Heroes and amazing supporters. In October you helped me win the Cox Conserves Hero award thru our local KTVU TV station and along with that award came a check to the Pacifica Beach Coalition for $10,000. We just spent that money on our Earth Day of Action & Ecofest event which resulted in over 7000 volunteers, 4500 students who received Snowy Plover assemblies, 14 schools, 135 businesses and 150 community groups, 45 ecobooths, and one united community who took action to help the environment!
Well your support has just brought the PBC another award and a new $10,000 check! Nominated by KTVU TV (who learned of PBC’s work through the Cox Award), the Pacifica Beach Coalition was chosen as a Chicken of the Sea Gratitude award winner – one of 100 groups to receive a $10,000 check.
We at the PBC are so grateful for your support and for having our mission shared with hundreds of 1000’s of people on TV by KTVU for Cox and Chicken of the Sea! There is a lot of work to be done and our mission, to end litter is no small task. So, this new award of $10,000 is helping us to dream big. Rest assured that this money will be spent making a difference in Pacifica that ripples throughout the US and every ocean! Hopefully our work will continue to educate, inspire and engage people all over the world to know and do the Little Things that Matter.
Now lets get to work on that tobacco litter! Won’t you join us with your daily Little Things that Matter actions of picking up litter, conserving resources of the Earth and Ocean, recycling, refusing, walking, biking, carpooling, using your voice for the environment, sharing the shore, respecting birds and their habitat ... !
See the Bay Area People show live and enjoy this “Magic of Earth Day”
There’s more information in the San Jose Mercury News report.
Lynn Adams