Local Scouts help Hurricane Katrina victims

By on Tue, September 13, 2005

Cheri Parr
Alex Ortiz
Alex Ortiz

Last Saturday Boy Scout Troop 255 spent the early morning in Montara collecting money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  Our scout Masters Doug Slater, Lou Cohen and George Macleod and a number of parents took 14 Scouts door to door .  The scouts not only collected donations but handed out a list of ways that we can be prepared for local emergencies such as earthquakes, tsunami’s and especially here on the coast, landslides.

In one morning we were able to raise over $2000.00 in cash donations to be used in helping the hurricane victims.

If you want to know more about being prepared for an emergency, you can go to FEMA’s website  This site gives a general emergency preparedness checklist, and also a list of supplies that you should keep at your house.

Scout Troop 255 would like to thank everyone who donated to our cause, and to say thank you to all of the volunteers who are helping with the hurricane relief in New Orleans.