Los Pueblecitos has stolen my name

By on Wed, September 15, 2004

Some comments have been posted under my name on the RLINC (Los Pueblecitos) Web site. However, my "postings" in the forums were copied from the comments pages on Coastsider and posted on the RLINC forums under my name without my knowledge or permission. And some of the text posted under my name was written by other users. I stand by my comments, but they have been ripped from their context and don’t come close to expressing my opinion of this complicated subject.

Furthermore, apparently now someone other than me owns my identity on the RLlNC site, which is problematic for lots of reasons. Until RLINC posts a public notice about their policy on users’ identities, I don’t recommend accepting anything that’s posted there as coming from whom it claims to be.

I applaud RLINC for allowing users to discuss the pros and cons of the proposal on their site, but there are better ways to jump-start a discussion than faking postings.