Marine Sanctuary advisory council meeting in Point Reyes, Thursday

By on Sun, August 9, 2009

Gulf Of The Farallones National Marine Sanctuary is holding its Advisory Council meeting at Dance Palace, Church Space 503 B St, Point Reyes, CA 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 13. Click below for the agenda.

Dance Palace, Church Space 
503 B St, Point Reyes, CA 
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.      
Thursday, August 13, 2009       
Time / Topic / Lead 

8:45 Members Arrive and Light Refreshments  

9:00 Remembrance of Brian O’Neill Maria Brown, Superintendent, GFNMS  

9:15 Call to Order/Roll Call 
- Review Agenda 
- Approval of Minutes (April 2008) 
Richard Charter, Chair, GFNMS Council  

9:25 Member and Liaison Reports Richard Charter, Chair, GFNMS Council 
10:00 Superintendents Report 
- FY09 Budget 
- Capitol Hill Oceans Week 
- Whale Strikes 
- Cormorants/Murres/Sea Lions 
- Bolinas Lagoon 
Maria Brown, Superintendent, GFNMS 

10:30 BREAK  

10:40 Enforcement Technical Advisory Committee Update Dayna Matthews, West Coast 
Enforcement Coordinator, NOAA Office 
of Law Enforcement 

10:55 Half Moon Bay Visitor Center Update Bob Breen, Member, GFNMS Council & 
Carol Preston, Education Coordinator, 

11:15 Informational Briefing  
- Longline Exempted Fishing Permit and Sea Turtles; Mark Helvey, National Marine Fisheries Service & Teri Shore, Turtle Island 
Restoration Network 

12:00 LUNCH  

12:45 White Shark Stewardship Project 
 Irina Kogan, Resource Protection Specialist  


1:45 Tomales Bay Vessel Management Plan (Council Action) 
- Interactive Map 
- Working Group Recommendations 
- Work Plan/Priorities 
Dominique Richard, Member, GFNMS 
Council & Brad Damitz, Resource 
Protection Specialist, GFNMS 

3:00 BREAK  

3:10 Ocean Climate Initiative  
- Climate Change Site Scenario Document Update John Largier, Member, GFNMS Council & Kelley Higgason, Ocean Climate 
Initiative Coordinator, GFNMS  

3:20 Ocean Climate Initiative (Council Action) 
- Draft Operations Chapter of Initiative Action Plan  Chris Powell, Member, GFNMS Council & Brian Johnson, Deputy 
Superintendent, GFNMS  

3:50 Advisory Council Business  
- Council Recruitment 
- Council Retreat Update 
- 2009 Sanctuary Advisory Council Summit Debrief  
- 2010 Meeting Dates 
Richard Charter Chair, GFNMS Council 
& Kelley Higgason, Advisory Council 
Coordinator, GFNMS 

4:15 Adjourn  
The Advisory Council may take action on any of the above items on the agenda. Times of agenda items are subject to 
change. Public comment period will remain as advertised. 
Upcoming Meetings  
• October 29, 2009- Council Retreat, Sausalito 
• December 10, 2009, San Francisco 
Media/Outreach Specialist
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
991 Marine Drive, Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco CA 94129
415/ 561-6622 ext 205

Mary Jane Schramm 
Media/Public Outreach
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary