Marine Sanctuary councils meet in HMB, Friday Feb 15

Press release

By on Thu, February 7, 2008

Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries are holding a joint advisory council meeting in Half Moon Bay at the Bell Building on Feb 15, from 9am to 4:30pm. Click for the agenda.

Our Lady of the Pillar Church- Bell Building
540 Kelly Ave, Half Moon Bay, CA
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday, February 15, 2008

Time/ Topic/ Lead/

8:45 Coffee and Sign In

9:00 Separate MBNMS and GFNMS Council meetings to address Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) & Marine Protected Areas (MPA) topics specific to each sanctuary.
Deborah Streeter, Chair/MBNMS;
Richard Charter, Chair/GFNMS

10:00 Call to Order/Roll Call
- Review Agenda
- Introductions
Deborah Streeter, Chair/Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS);
Richard Charter, Chair/Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS)

10:30 Public Comment

11:00 Cosco Busan Oil Spill Response
- GFNMS, MBNMS, and CBNMS (Cordell Bank NMS) staff involvement
- Safe Seas Lessons/Recommendations
- Update on response and Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)
- Next steps (possible Council Action)
Irina Kogan,Resource Protection Specialist/GFNMS;
Greg Baker/NOAA;
Scott Kathey, Regulatory/Emergency Response Coordinator/MBNMS

12:30 LUNCH

1:30 West Coast Regional Update
- Past accomplishments and looking forward
Bill Douros, West Coast Regional Director

2:00 2008 Sanctuary Advisory Council Chairs and Coordinators Meeting Update
Richard Charter,Chair/GFNMS;
Deborah Streeter, Chair/MBNMS

2:15 Resource Protection
- Maverick’s Surf Contest
- Enforcement and Permitting
- Seabird Colony Protection Program (SCPP)
Irina Kogan/GFNMS;
Kelley Higgason, SCPP Coordinator/GFNMS

3:00 Conservation Science
- SIMoN Expansion
Andrew DeVogelaere, SIMoN Program Director/MBNMS;
Brian Johnson, Deputy Superintendent/GFNMS

3:15 Sanctuary Exhibits
- MBNMS- Santa Cruz Visitors Center
- GFNMS Exhibits- Pigeon Pt Lighthouse, Cal Academy of Sciences, Aquarium of the Bay, Fitzgerald; Visitors Center- Crissy Field
- CBNMS Exhibits- Oakland Museum, Bear Valley
Dawn Hayes, Education Coordinator/MBNMS;
Carol Preston, Education Coordinator/GFNMS

3:45 Climate Change and the Sanctuaries
- MBNMS Sanctuary Currents Symposium
- GFNMS Ocean Climate Summit
- Blue Seas, Green Communities Initiative (Meeting Sustainability- possible Council Action)
Andrew DeVogelaere/MBNMS;
Kelley Higgason, Council Coordinator/GFNMS

4:15 Announcements

4:30 Adjourn

The Advisory Council may take action on any of the above items on the agenda. Times of agenda items are subject to change. Public comment period will remain as advertised.

For more information on the sanctuaries, visit