Marine sanctuary public meeting in Pacifica, Thurs

By on Fri, April 10, 2009

Gulf of the Farallones NMS
Farallon Islands

The Advisory Council of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary will hold a public meeting in Pacifica next Thursday. The sanctuary manages marine resources from from northern Marin County, southward to waters along the San Mateo County coast. Residents of the coastal areas and inland communities will be interested in many issues and actions affecting the general region.

For more information on the Sanctuary Advisory Councils, please visit the website:

For more information on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary please visit the website:

Agenda after the jump.

Pedro Point Firehouse
1227 Danmann Ave., Pacifica, CA
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time /Topic/ Lead

8:45 Members Arrive and Light Refreshments
9:00 Call to Order/Roll Call
-    Review Agenda
-    Approval of Minutes (December 2008)
Barbara Emley, Vice Chair

9:15 Member and Liaison Reports
Barbara Emley, Vice Chair

10:15 Working Group Reports
-    Greening Operations
-    Half Moon Bay Visitor Center
Brian Johnson, Deputy Superintendent & Bob Breen, Council Member

10:30 Superintendents Report
-    Drakes Bay oyster operation move to Tomales Bay
-    Bolinas Lagoon
-    Farallon Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan
-    Rocky Intertidal Program
-    Revised Management Plan New Regulations (formerly referred to as JMPR)
-    FY09 Budget
-    Permitting
Maria Brown, Superintendent

11:15 Public Comment

11:30 Tomales Bay Vessel Management Plan
Karen Reyna, Acting Resource Protection Coordinator & Dominique Richard, Council Member

11:45 LUNCH

12:30 Climate Solutions Initiative
-    Draft Site Scenario Document (Council Action)
-    Action Plan
-    Ocean Acidification Monitoring Partnerships
-    National Involvement
Kelley Higgason, Ocean Climate Initiative Coordinator

1:30 Advisory Council Business
2009 Advisory Council Work Plan (Council Action)
-    Discussion on Seabird Protection Network (SPN) Coordinated Management and Enforcement, San Francisco Exemption Area, and Esteros Working Groups
-    Adopt Advisory Council Work Plan
Kelley Higgason, Advisory Council Coordinator

2:15 Advisory Council Business
-    2009 Sanctuary Advisory Council Summit Agenda
-    Council Retreat Location
Kelley Higgason, Advisory Council Coordinator

2:30 NOAA Twin Otter Aircraft (Council Action)
Lorraine Anglin, Field Operations Coordinator, West Coast Region & Matt Pickett, ONMS Aviation Operations Coordinator

3:00 Adjourn

The Advisory Council may take action on any of the above items on the agenda. Times of agenda items are subject to
change. Public comment period will remain as advertised.

2009 Upcoming Meetings
•    August 13, 2009, Point Reyes
•    October 29, 2009 - Council Retreat, location TBD
•    December 10, 2009, San Francisco