Marine Sanctuary recruiting for advisory council

Press release

By on Tue, January 23, 2007

The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is recruiting for its Advisory Council. The Advisory Council brings together community members representing different constituencies and the public at large to provide advice to the MBNMS Superintendent on the management and protection of sanctuary resources.

Advisory Council members are recruited and appointed through a competitive, public process. Advisory Council members serve three-year terms and participate in bi-monthly public meetings held in communities adjacent to the MBNMS. Since its establishment in March 1994, the Advisory Council has played a vital role in the decisions affecting the MBNMS along the central California Coast.
The MBNMS is currently seeking both primary and alternate representatives for the Agriculture, Business/ Industry, Commercial Fishing, Recreational Fishing, Recreation, Research, Conservation, and two At-large Advisory Council seats.
Application packets and information on the MBNMS and the Advisory Council can be obtained by visiting the website at:, or by calling Paul Chetirkin at (831) 647-4210. Completed applications must be received at MBNMS, 299 Foam Street, Monterey, CA 93940 by February 23, 2007.
For more information on the MBNMS and the Sanctuary Advisory Council please go to: