MCC addresses green building on the Midcoast, Wednesday

By on Mon, June 9, 2008

Click poster for MCC, click below for agenda.

Call to Order.
Council member self-introductions
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Board of Supervisor's Report
2. Community Forum (see note on page 2)
3. Consent Agenda – (see note on page 2)
3a. Approval of minutes of May 28, 2008 Regular Meeting

4. Regular Agenda – The Council may vote to take action on any of the
following items:
4a. Presentation of Green Building in San Mateo County by Planning
Director Lisa Grote
• Estimated Start Time: 7:45 PM Sponsor: Gael Erickson
4b. Film on examples of Green Building on the Coastside
• Estimated Start Time: 8:30 PM Sponsor: Neil Merrilees
4c. Elect Interim Treasurer
• Estimated Start Time: 9:00 PM
4d. Discuss filling of 2 Council vacancies due to resignations
• Estimated Start Time: 9:10 PM
• Desired Outcome: Agreement on process and time line
4e. Council budget priorities -- what should we allocate the remaining
budget to?
• Estimated Start Time: 9:15 PM
• Desired Outcome: Agreement on which items the Council needs that can be
acquired/accomplished within this year's remaining budget
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Updates on continuing issues
8. Council Member reports on other meetings attended
9. Adjournment (target time: 9:30)
NOTE: The Council reserves the right to re-order the agenda. All
indicated start times are
estimates. In particular, the Regular Agenda may start later than
indicated if there are many
speakers for item 2 – Community Forum, or Community Forum may be
interrupted and
continued later in the meeting.