MCC Agenda for Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at GSD at 7:30 p.m.
Please find below the agenda for the regular MCC meeting next Wednesday, Aprill 11, 2012 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Please note: Due to flu outbreak at Seton Coastside meeting is moved to:
Granada Sanitary District Meeting Room
504 Ave. Alhambra, 3rd Floor, El Granada
The primary focus will be the Coastside Design Review Committee and filling its vacancies. We will also be updating the Princeton Shoreline Erosion. If time permits, we hope to address the Coastside Transit Committee and the MCC Facebook Page as well.
The Council will be discussing and may take action on the following Regular Agenda Items:
Regular Agenda – The Council may take action on the following items:
a. Coastside Design Review (CDRC) – Stein (8:00) (30 minutes) Presentation by past and present Design Review committee members on the purpose of the CDRC and the role of a committee member. Review a list of desired attributes as well as specific interview questions for a CDRC member. Consider future action regarding commercial design review.
Desired Outcome: Informational; agreement on qualifications and qualities that the council would be seeking in a CDRC applicant ; agreement to draft letter on commercial design review.
b. Coastside Design Review (CDRC) – Stein (8:30) (15 minutes) Assignment of council member and alternate to join Supervisor Horsley in screening and interviewing Design Review Committee applicants.
Desired Outcome: Council member and alternate assigned.
c. Princeton Shoreline Erosion – Ketcham (8:45) (30 minutes) Presentation on conditions, studies and actions to date, leading to the question of what should be done and who will take on lead agency responsibilities.
Desired Outcome: Informational, discussion, possible action.
d. Coastside Transit Committee MCC representative – Erickson (9:15) (15 minutes) The Coastside Transit Committee is a committee that provides input to Samtrans on transit issues for the Coast (from Pacifica to Pescadero). There will be a meeting on April 17.
Desired Outcome: Determine whether the council wants to attend committee meetings and designate someone to attend the April 17 meetings.
e. MCC Facebook Page – Ketcham (9:30) (15 minutes) Brief overview and status of the page as public outreach tool. Seek council direction on content and promotion.
Desired Outcome: Council agreement to continue this public outreach and link to the MCC Facebook Page on the MCC website.
Supportive documents can be found on the MCC website:
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