MCC Agenda for Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at Seton at 7:30 p.m.
Highlights of the agenda for the regular MCC meeting next Wednesday, April 25, 2012 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m at Seton Medical Center Coastside, 600 Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, Moss Beach.
Directions: (Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill)
MCC attendees must park in upper parking lot (first left near top of hill) per hospital policy.
The Council will be discussing and may take action on the following Regular Agenda Items:
a. Midcoast Industrial Zoning – Ketcham (8:00) (30 minutes) Overview presentation of M-1 industrial zoning (airport and west of Airport St.) and Waterfront marine-related industrial zoning (part of Princeton) highlighting provisions that are outdated and inappropriate for the Midcoast..
Desired Outcome: Informational and possible action.
b. MCC Midcoast California Coastal Trail Committee – Erickson (8:30) (20 minutes) Work with the Midcoast community and San Mateo county to complete and get approval for the California Coastal Trail for the northern portion of the Midcoast.
Desired Outcome: Informational and possible action.
c. Princeton Shoreline Erosion Letter – Ketcham (8:50) (15 minutes) Review draft letter and revised presentation on erosion and unpermitted armoring along the Princeton shoreline, seeking County and Coastal Commission support for remediation and restored coastal access..
Desired Outcome: Approve the letter and revised slide for attachment.
d. Montara 7th St Follow-up Letter – Kehoe (9:05) (15 minutes) Review cover letter and resend original letter (Mar. 9, 2011) to County and Supervisor noting no action and recent public request.
Desired Outcome: Approve the cover letter and resend with original letter.
e. MCC Facebook Policy – Erickson (9:20) (20 minutes) MCC reviews the Facebook Policy adopted by website committee, publishes the MCC Facebook page with links with the MCC website.
Desired Outcome: MCC adopts Facebook Policy and links with website.
Supportive documents can be found on the MCC website:
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