MCC Agenda for Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at Seton at 7:30 p.m.
Highlights of the agenda for the regular MCC meeting next Wednesday, June 27, 2012 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Seton Medical Center Coastside, Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, Moss Beach.
Directions: (Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill)
MCC attendees must park in upper parking lot (first left near top of hill) per hospital policy.
The Council will be discussing and may take action on the following Regular Agenda Items:
a. Princeton Planning Effort Scope of Work – Lisa Ketcham (8:00) (45 minutes) Discussion of a letter to the County on the draft scope of work for an update to the plans, policies, and regulations that apply to development within Princeton and its environs.
Desired Outcome: Approve and send a letter to the County on the Princeton planning process “Scope of Work”.
b. Letter to Midcoast Safety and Mobility Studies - Kehoe (8:45) (45 minutes) Continue the discussion and public comment on the County's Mobility Study Action Plan presented at the 5/23/12 MCC meeting (County’s summary of comments received on Phase I & II studies). Council needs to provide the public a process for moving the study forward to implementation.
Desired Outcome: Send the County updates from the community for finalizing the Mobility Study Action Plan, and suggestions for a method for implementation.
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