MCC committee on Rancho Corral de Tierra, Monday, Feb 21
An ad hoc committee from the Midcoast Community Council (MCC) will meet with neighbors of Rancho Corral de Tierra (RCdT) to discuss the two proposed portals (Le Conte in Montara & Coral Reef in Clipper Ridge). The purpose of the meeting is to inform every one of the latest updates and organize the group to gather the public’s ideas on alternatives to these trail heads which will be used in future discussions with GGNRA and County representatives. This committee is intended to update the community on this issue and act under the Bylaws of the MCC.
We are tentatively scheduled to meet Monday, February 21, at 7pm at Seton Medical Center Coastside, Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, Moss Beach. (Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill then take the first left before reaching the Hospital’s main parking lot to go to the upper lot).
It is time for the Coastside residents to organize and decide on a coherent plan so we can communicate this to NPS and the County. This will be the first of many meetings to work together with GGNRA and County Public Works to come up with an equitable solution that protects the residents and gives everyone in the bay area easy access to this wonderful addition to our open space.
MCC attendees must park in upper parking lot per hospital policy
For those who may not be aware, Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) is in the process of turning over approximately 4200 sq acres parcel known as Rancho Corral de Tierra (RCdT) to the National Parks Service (NPS) Golden Gate National Recreational Area (GGNRA). The current time frame for this is this spring (2011).
Since earlier December when the local community from Corral Ridge and Montara (by Farallone View) expressed concerns about the intrusion into their neighborhoods and worries about traffic, parking, restroom facilities, and safety issues, we have been gathering information and working with all the parties that would be involved with planning this turn over.
Many of you voiced the need for alternative access points which would better serve visitors from the greater bay area with park access located closer to HWY 1 and not impact local residential neighborhoods. Some of you also wanted to be more involved in the National Park Services planning process so everyone would benefit from this addition and have a positive experience with RCdT. We also heard similar comments on working together from National Park Service (NPS). So it is this common ground that we should start off planning how to work with NPS to come up with a solution.