MCC covers MCTV contract, Devil’s Slide crossing, Big Wave, La Costanera—Wednesday
Regular Agenda
- PEG Access TV - Midcoast – (Len Erickson) 7:55 Presentation: Marty Ana, Executive Director Pacific TV, will give an overview of the a. Pacifica TV proposal for Coastside PEG TV and answer questions. Discussion: Consider input to the county on the contract for PEG TV.
- Devil’s Slide Pedestrian/Bike Crossing – (Len Erickson) 8:35 Discussion: Report from MCC meetings with Caltrans (Mar. 2, 16) and next steps.
- Big Wave Comment to Board of Supervisors – (All) 8:50 Discussion: Review MCC BoS presentation and changes / opportunities associated with the continuation of this item to March 29 by the Board of Supervisors.
- La Costanara Lighting - (Deborah Lardie) 9:00 Approve: Letter requesting San Mateo County Code Compliance enforce outdoor lighting and other code requirements at La Costanera Restaurant in Montara.
Committee Reports and Continuing Business 9:20
- Committee: GGNRA (Bill Kehoe)
- Committee: LCP Resubmittal (Bill Kehoe)
Future Agendas 9:25
- March 29: Candidates Night – 1st District Supervisor Candidates
- April 13: GGNRA (Portals and Dog Policy
- April 13: LCP Resubmittal