MCC P& Z Committee and Special Meeting 11-14
There will be a Planning and Zoning Committee and Special Meeting, Monday, November 14, 2011, 7:00 p.m. at Seton Medical Center Coastside, Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, Moss Beach (Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill), MCC attendees must park in upper parking lot per hospital policy
Agenda for Planning and Zoning Committee and Special Meeting
Regular Agenda – The Council/Committee may vote to take action on any of the following items:
3.a. Consideration of actions to be taken by the MidCoast Community Council regarding 263 Nevada Moss Beach property (PLN2010-00251) on the Zoning Hearing Thursday November 17, 2011. (Kehoe) 7:15 pm.
3.b. Consideration of actions to be taken by the MidCoast Community Council regarding 165 and 175 Airport Street property (PLN2001-00553) on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Agenda for Tuesday November 15, 2011. (Lardie) ) 7:45 pm.
3.c. Consideration of actions to be taken by the MidCoast Community Council regarding Magellan property (Location not given by County) (PLN2010-00255) on meeting. (Lardie) ) 8:15 pm.
3.d. Consideration of actions to be taken by the MidCoast Community Council regarding Cell Tower permit for 1400 Main St., Montara (PLN2002-00471). (Lardie) ) 8:30 pm.
e. Status Update on BoS meeting on November 3, 2011 for Magellan and Alameda Avenues (PLN2008- 0038 & PLN2009-00358) “Hodge Property”. (Kehoe) 8:40 pm.
3.f. Review and Discussion on Planning and Zoning Committee
3.f.i. Define the process for review of Planning Applications (Elizabeth Vespremi/Kathryn Slater-Carter) 8:50 pm.
3.f.ii. Decide on a strategy to work with the Planning Department on how the Planning Application information flow will take place. (Elizabeth Vespremi/Kathryn Slater-Carter) 9:20 pm
3.f.iii. Discuss a P&Z Tracking System and Escalation Process (David Vespremi/Bill Kehoe) 9:50 pm.