MCC reviews LCP update proposal, Big Wave status, Tuesday


By on Sun, November 21, 2010

The county’s proposed update to its Local Coastal Program will be presented to by Interim Deputy Director at San Mateo County Planning and Building Department at a special meeting of the Midcoast Community Council. The LCP is the planning document for the unincorporated Midcoast and has been negotiated between the county and the California Coastal Commission since the Coastal Commission rejected the county’s original rewrite.

UPDATE: The MCC will also review the action the county Planning Commission takes at its meeting on Tuesday morning.

The meeting will be Tuesday, Nov 23, 7:30pm, at the Granada Sanitary District office, 504 Avenue Alhambra (across from Avenue Balboa), Third Floor.

After the presentation, the MCC will work on a comment letter on the proposal.