MCTV will feature program on school design

By on Tue, May 23, 2006

Tonight, MCTV, cable channel 6, will show “The Future of Schools: Inside and Out”, a program on school design.

The program, which was recommended to us by school board member Roy Salume, emphasizes the importance of giving schools a sense of purpose for teaching, learning, and development. Salume says, "This educational model is sure to be implemented in more schools across the country."

The program reinforces the premise that the brighter and less noisy the school, the more learning will take place. This program features the latest trends in school design from around the Country. The focus is on creative design, energy, heating, and lighting strategies in new and older buildings to save money and offer a better learning environment for students.

Tuesday, May 23rd at 6pm
Wednesday, May 24th at 10am
Wednesday, May 31st at 10am