Midcoast Community Council takes up Plan Princeton, La Costanera, Wednesday

The agenda for Wednesday’s MCC March 12 meeting is posted with supporting documents on the MCC website.
First up is Plan Princeton Existing Conditions Report - Phase 2 of the multi-year Princeton area land use planning and zoning update. Desired Outcome: Informational
Next is La Costanera Restaurant – Consideration of Revised Initial Study & Negative Declaration which addresses environmental impacts of a Use Permit Amendment to expand restaurant hours on Fridays and weekends (10AM – 2AM), formalize and improve adjacent dirt Montara State Beach parking lot, and legalize exterior building improvements including lighting and patios. Desired Outcome: Approve MCC comment letter concerning adequacy and correctness of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration.
The meeting is the usual time and place - 7pm at Granada Sanitary District meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, 3rd floor, El Granada.