Midcoast park planning public meeting is Thursday night


By on Wed, March 28, 2007

The county will hold a public meeting to discuss its park planning and implementation agenda Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 7 pm at the Harbor House Conference Center in Princeton.  This public meeting will review the priorities discussed at smaller Midcoast community meetings, present a potential sites and costs for recreational facilities, and discuss next steps for setting priorities.

Click the link below to see the summary of recreation needs established at earlier meetings and list of the community members on the planning team. You can also download an Excel file of potential park and recreations sites from a 2003 task force meeting from Coastsider. The public meeting notice includes a great deal of detail [pdf] on ideas discussed at earlier team meetings.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said the meeting was on Wednesday night.

Team and public meeting schedule

The Midcoast Recreation Implementation Plan Team will meet on the following dates:  February 19, March 12, April 9, May 7, June 5, and July 10.  Meetings will be scheduled from 7 to 9:00pm at the Harbor House Conference Center in Princeton.  The Team meetings will not be open for public participation; however, the public may observe the meetings.

Public meetings on the Midcoast Recreation Implementation Plan will be held on the following dates:  March 29, April 18, May, 21, June 20, and July 31.  The public meetings will be held from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Harbor House Conference Center in Princeton.

Summary of Midcoast Recreation Needs, January 2007

Recommendations in the 2002 Midcoast Recreation Needs Assessment are valid.

Trail connections for different type of users are a high priority, primarily the Coastal Trail with more lateral connections to Hwy 1.

A Community Center, centrally located, is needed for multi-use activities to accommodate youth, teens, adults and seniors.

Priority for different type of recreational uses:


  • Multi-use play fields

  • Playgrounds/neighborhood parks

  • Community Center

  • Picnic areas, restrooms, and water fountains

  • Ball courts

  • Skate Park

  • Roller hockey

  • Dog Park

  • Swimming pool

Critical need for management of active sports including baseball, soccer, etc.  Currently Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation provide this service.


Midcoast Implementation Planning Team

Team Members:
Dave Holland and Sam Herzberg, San Mateo County Parks
Don Berry, Half Moon Bay Parks and Recreation Commissioner
Gael Erickson, Mid-Coast Community Council
Len Erickson, Ron Fenech, Fran Pollard, Midcoast Park Lands
Bill Sorfleet, Moss Beach
Debby MacKimmie, Moss Beach
Lee McKusick, El Granada
Pat Tierney, Miramar
Kirk Riemer, Cabrillo Unified School District Board
Christy Samuels, El Granada
Joel Farbstein, Montara
Todd McGee, Montara
Barbara Lohman, Miramar

Sandy Emerson, Midcoast Parklands
Mike Blondino, Half Moon Bay Parks
Alan Kass, Cabrillo Unified School District
Clark Capers, Moss Beach