Letter: MWSD votes unamimously to raise water rates

Letter to the editor

By on Tue, February 20, 2007

For those of you who were unable to attend the water board meeting held 02/15/07, or could not view it on MCTV, the Montara Water and Sanitary District board adopted the resolution to increase water rates as prescribed in their December 2006 communication under prop 218.
There were approximately 40 letters received by the board from Moss Beach and Montara parcel owners voicing opposition to the rate increases from the approximate 1950 parcels, to which the board mailed letters to, 

This does not sit completely right with me, seeing since 80 percent of these owners actively participated and voted to take control of the water system as a way to contain costs and have more of a say in their precious resources. 

I can only surmise that those 1900 parcels that did not send their concerns to the board are in either completely in favor of the rate increases; and agree that it is a necessary evil, or that the owners of those parcels did not take notice to the, seemingly, camouflaged 218 communication contained in the monthly news letter sent during the Holiday Season. 

While I was opposed to the rate increase, I realize the need for the for the cost increases, and can only hope that the board will do their best to communicate these, and the other increases required, under prop 218, better to us.

It would make me rest easier to hear what other rate payers think about this matter, being that they and the board are members of the community too. I would like to see politics and community working in unison, and not have to second guess if the neighborhood had been hoodwinked in order to advance an agenda no matter how valid the need is.

I look forward to reviewing your posts.

Thank you

Joel Colletti