Montara Water directors address Felton citizens about buying out Cal Am

By on Wed, April 27, 2005

The supervisors heard from a standing-room-only crowd, supporting a vote on buying Felton's water system.

Santa Cruz County supervisors, in a show of respect and support for the small unincorporated community of Felton (pop. 6000), took their board meeting on the road to Felton’s community hall last night.

The sole item on the agenda was whether to put a bond on the ballot to help Felton buy their water system from Cal-Am.

Two years ago, Montara bought its water system from Cal-Am, a subsidiary of international conglomerate RWE Aktiengesellschaft headquartered in Essen, Germany.  Montara Water & Sanitary directors Scott Boyd and Kathryn Slater-Carter attended and shared some experiences from Montara/Moss Beach’s water system purchase.

A community group known as Felton FLOW, inspired by Montara’s success, has been gathering facts and working to put together a feasible plan.  The meeting rewarded their efforts, and puts them on the path to a June election.

The supervisors heard from a standing-room-only crowd, speaker after speaker imploring them to put a bond on the ballot to give them a chance to own their own water.

The crowd with the 5-0 vote with applause and a standing ovation.