Moon News in final four days, all books now 60% off

By on Sun, April 26, 2009

The slow-motion liquidation of Moon News is depressing to witness, but you should know that all their books are now 60% off, according to their latest newsletter.

We’ll be brief. All books are now 60% off, some hardcovers are as little as $2 and some paperbacks only $1. We still have some large display tables on wheels with side shelves that are now selling for only $100 a piece. Everything must go, so if you don’t see a sold or reserved sign on an item feel free to ask or make an offer.

We have sold many books and fixtures already and we are terribly grateful for your support and effort to help us move on. It looks like we’re down to our last few thousand books. When we last checked, we still had some great travel guides, a lot of good nonfiction and some great poetry and fiction still, including Bronte, Faulkner, and Dante…Also maps and books on CD—all at 60% off.

We will close the doors Wednesday, April 29th at 7pm for the last time
