MROSD has eight candidates for vacant board seat

Press release

By on Thu, September 21, 2006

Eight Mountain View and Los Altos residents have applied for the seat on the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District’s Board of Directors left vacant by Deane Little’s resignation on August 11, 2006. The appointment to Ward 4, which includes Mountain View and Los Altos, will have to be made by October 10, 2006, 60 days from the effective date of the vacancy.  The applicants are:

1.  Jerome Galli - Mountain View
2.  Terrance Hanna - Mountain View
3.  Lucy Hsu - Los Altos
4.  William J. James - Los Altos
5.  Joshua G. Moore - Mountain View
6.  Curt Riffle - Los Altos
7.  Jeff Segall - Mountain View
8.  Patricia Showalter - Mountain View

The Board voted on August 23, 2006 to appoint a new Director to the seat left vacant by Deane Little rather than having a special election which would have cost $770,378.

The deadline for candidates to submit their applications was Monday, September 18, 2006. The Board will meet with candidates for a first interview on Monday, September 25, and with second-round interviewees on October 9, 2006.  A third and final round will be scheduled for October 10, if necessary.