MROSD hearing on La Honda Creek plan, Tuesday

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space district will hold a hearing on the master plan for the La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve Tuesday, May 19, at Hatch Elementary School, Half Moon Bay, in the multipurpose room from 6:30 to 9pm.
The 2,056-acre La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve, considered by many as a gateway to the San Mateo coast, features forests of redwood and Douglas fir, contrasting open grassland hilltops, and spectacular panoramic views leading to the coast. This Preserve’s potential has only just begun to be scratched as historically only a portion of the preserve has been open to hikers and equestrians on a permit basis.
In July 2004, the District and a team of consultants kicked off the master planning process for this Preserve with an on-site meeting to review the scope of work, schedule, and budget for this project. The District master planning process aims to provide the public with greater opportunities for recreation access, interpretation, and education, while expanding livestock grazing and protecting the rural heritage, natural, cultural, and historic resources of the landscape for the long-term.
In December 2007, the District held an open house to discuss the La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve Draft Master Plan. A concise list of the draft plan recommendations, true to the District’s mission and incorporating many of the comments and ideas the District received from neighbors, agencies, Preserve users, and local organizations, was released. (See Draft Implementation Table and Draft Plan Maps).