NPR features story on Duarte’s in Pescadero

By on Thu, March 19, 2009

This week, NPR’s Morning Edition ran a 7 3/4 min segment on Duarte’s Tavern in Pescadero [text and audio]:

Ron’s grandfather, Frank Duarte, a Portuguese immigrant, bought the tavern and the land around it for $12 in gold in 1894. In those days, Pescadero, near the Pacific, was a popular settlement for whalers, fishermen and farmers from Portugal.

To start off his business, Frank Duarte Sr. bought a barrel of whiskey from Santa Cruz. "Used to be 10 cents a shot or three shots for two bits," says Ron Duarte. "They’d set the barrel of whiskey here in the bar and people would bring their bottle in and fill it up."

Ron Duarte says his grandfather and father were barbers, as well as barkeeps. "Thank God I missed the barber part," he says. Besides, Ron adds, laughing, "None of us have much hair. You know, you can’t have hair and brains both."

And that goes for son Tim, too. Asked if he’s the owner of Duarte’s, Tim replies, "I’m the owner until my dad comes around. Then I’m the owner’s son."