Oath of Office for New Members at MCC, Wednesday 12-14-11


By on Tue, December 13, 2011

The newly elected Council will be sworn in at the Midcoast Community Council meeting on Wednesday, December 14, at 7:30 p.m. Honored guests include Assemblyman Jerry Hill. Supervisor Don Horsley, Christine Carey NPS/Parks Conservancy - GGNRA in San Mateo County and Katrina Rill, Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s aide.

a. Recognition of outgoing council members - Jerry Hill, Don Horsley (7:35)
Deborah Lardie, Neil Merrilees, Leonard Woren
b. Comments by outgoing council members (7:45)
c. Oath of Office for New Members - Supervisor Don Horsley (7:55)
Dan Haggerty, Lisa Ketcham, Laura Stein
d. Election of Officers (Len Erickson) (8:00)

4. Regular Agenda – The Council may take action on the following items:
a. Devil’s Slide Task Force / South Portal Crossing - Don Horsley (8:45)
Don Horsley, task force chair, will speak and take comments on the recent announcements for Pedestrian Crossing changes and the operation of the Devil’s Slide Task Force in 2012.
b. Roadmap for Highway 1 Safety and Mobility Improvement Study and Transportation Planning – Council Discussion (9:15)
With the Study draft released to the public, Steve Monowitz’ comment on the 2012 roadmap will be discussed. Action: The council may decide to provide feedback to Steve Monowitz.
c. Green Building Program Update – David Vespremi (9:25)
The Green Building program update will be circulated. Action: The council will decide whether to vote a letter of support to the Board of Supervisors for this update or defer action until there is a briefing and opportunity for further discussion.
d. Report – SMC Finance and Operations Committee Meeting – Bill Kehoe (9:35)
Meeting observations on staff recommendation to further consider a suggestion to “Eliminate Midcoast and Pescadero Municipal Councils”. Action: none proposed for this meeting.

5. Council Activity (9:45)
Bill Kehoe – meeting with Jim Eggemeyer & Steve Monowitz (minutes provided)

Seton Medical Center Coastside, Marine Boulevard & Etheldore, Moss Beach
(Take Highway 1 to Marine Boulevard and follow hospital signs uphill)
*** MCC attendees must park in upper parking lot per hospital policy ***
(First left near top of hill before the main lot.)