Open Letter to Editor of Labor News in SMC
The Newspaper of the San Mateo County Central Labor Council & Building and Construction Trades Council of San Mateo County
Dear Paul Burton,
My name is Michael G. Stogner I am currently running for District 3 Supervisor of San Mateo County in the next June election. So there is a possibility I will be one of the five Supervisors next year. I just read your article which goes to your members titled " Carole Groom Appointed to County Board of Supervisors. In it you report accurately
"San Mateo Union High School District Board member Dave Pine spoke in favor of holding an election rather than an appointment. “Let the people of the County decide who will be their representative,” he urged the Board. Pine said that both the Democratic and Republican Parties and about 25 elected officials had called for a Special Election. Pine said he felt that an election would allow for public debate on issues and would be more democratic."
Your article fails to mention that I was one of the 11 applicants. No big deal except I was the only applicant who asked the remaining 4 Supervisors not to appoint any of us. I recommended a Special Election to let the Voters of San Mateo County fill this very important position. I stated that Jerry Hill knew he was going to run for the Assembly at the same time he ran for Supervisor he knew if he won that he would leave this seat vacant, I moved from San Carlos to Belmont so that I would be able to be considered as an applicant for that seat.
Can you please tell me why my name is not mentioned in the article which goes to all of your members.
I look forward to your response,
Michael G. Stogner