Opening this Saturday at the Darin Boville Gallery

Please join us this Saturday at the Darin Boville Gallery for the opening event of three new photographic projects. We’ll be here from noon to 4:00 with light snacks and beverages.
Up on the walls (and the UltraHD screen) are three of my projects: Waves, Albuquerque, and Category 3.
“Waves” is a series of eighteen images of waves as you’ve never seen them before in psychedelic colors.
“Albuquerque” is a self portrait in shadows made at Petroglyphs National Monument in New Mexico.
“Category 3” puts a new spin on landscape photography.
We have, as always, beautiful oversized postcards to share—one image from each project. The postcards are free.
There will also be special pricing on the photographs—if you’d like to own an original image we will be offering a significant discount to opening attendees. Let us know if you are interested in a specific print.
The Darin Boville Gallery is located on Route 92 in Half Moon Bay in the Spanishtown building (when you see the large dinosaur sculptures at the side of the road you are there). Our regular hours are 12:00—4:00, Thursday through Sunday.
No need to RSVP. Please feel free to forward this invitation to others.