Opinion: Support the Citizens’ Alternative Parcel Tax measure


By on Mon, July 31, 2006

An experiment in electronic democracy!  

The Measure S Parcel Tax was written in secret, and after finalized, the public had to take it or leave it! I wanted to do the reverse and take public input as part of the writing process – democracy.  It is time for an even wider circle of debate.  

At the MCC Debate on Measure S on May 24, I outlined an idea for an Alternative Parcel Tax Measure. Over the past two months, it has evolved electronically and now it is time to solicit an even wider electronic debate to see if we can get back to that 74.9% a decade ago that passed Measure K for the CUSD school improvement bond. 

I would like to thank Coastsider.com and all who offered comments by email and on the various threads on Coastsider.com on the Parcel Tax. I have attempted to incorporate them into my June 1 original draft. And the result can be read at http://cusd.info/partax.htm

It is now your turn to tell me how well this reflects those comments. Can you support it? If yes, here is a link to send CUSD an email to put it on the ballot. If not, what would you change – please be specific!

Measure’s Summary:

  • We have a failing school district and must act to preserve schools and property values:
  • Restore School Bussing
  • Strengthen Academic Basics – English, Reading and Math
  • Real Accountability to Tax Payer - A citizens’ oversight committee
  • Offer parent chosen Enhancement Programs
  • Offer teachers performance based bonus
  • Forbid moving New Intermediate School site again
  • Forbid withdrawing from Federal Funding
  • Fund only new personnel and new programs – no funny budget games!
  • Restore Trust, Accountability and academic performance.

I am still doing cleanup and reflecting changes on the draft and will continue putting the date on the document of the last changes.

The following was sent July 27, 2006 to the CUSD School Board:

Members of the CUSD Governing Board
498 Kelly Avenue
Half Moon Bay CA 94019

Re: Request to Place the "Citizens’ Alternative Parcel Tax Measure" on the 7 November 2006 Ballot

Dear President Schreurs and Members of the CUSD Governing Board:

The District has the opportunity to place the "Citizens’ Alternative Parcel Tax Measure" on the 7 November 2006 Ballot at little or no cost to the district. To meet the required steps necessary to make the “88th days prior” to the 7 November 2006, a ‘Special Governing Board Meeting’ would be necessary no later than 7 August 2006. There are ample examples of special meetings called – especially with the regular meeting of 13 July 2006 canceled – the most recent example on 21 July 2006 to appoint a school principal.

To refresh your memory:

On Fri 10-Mar-06 03:16 written “Request to Withdraw Ballot Measure [S]”
“It is my hope that following the withdraw, I and other members of the general public can work with the District to see a successful parcel tax that addresses the true needs of the District on the November ballot.”

On 24 May 2006, at the Debate on Measure S, with two members of the School Board in attendance:
I again referenced the Alternative Parcel Tax Measure giving the location of the text.

On 1 June 2006 to present:
The text has been available at http://cusd.info/partax.htm

It has reflected the various electronic suggested changes since, most visible at www.Coastsider.com in the run up to the 6 June 2006 election and the ‘postmortem’.

On 8 June 2006, at the Regular School Board Meting, following the defeat at the polls of the aforementioned measure, I again repeated from the podium my request for a dialogue on the Alternative Parcel Tax Measure and to move it to the 7 November 2006 Ballot.

Today, it should be clear after five consecutive failed Parcel Tax Measures authored by the School Board that an alternative approach is past due!

The "Citizens’ Alternative Parcel Tax Measure" is designed to fill the void and to represent an honest assessment of the present and future for the public schools in CUSD. Comments and changes are still being solicited and welcomed by email and on www.Coastsider.com

As the district personnel are reviewing the recent STAR 2006 results, it should be clear that the question is: “how many schools and whether CUSD is identified as PI failing.” The upcoming school year is the last of the ‘easy to make numbers’!

If the "Citizens’ Alternative Parcel Tax Measure" on the 7 November 2006 Ballot wins, the funding would flow to CUSD as an ever increasing challenge to meeting minimum standards accrues.
I would request the Special Meeting be called and to coordinate with Superintendent Bayless a final version.

/s/ Ken Johnson