Over 245 comments on the Big Wave project DEIR have delayed the EIR
This week planner Camille Leung said, "The anticipated date for the final EIR has been pushed back to late February or early March and the hearing dates will be moved back."
The Pelican Eye: http://www.thepelicaneye.com/2010/01/over-245-comments-on-deir-have-delayed.html
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 8:00am
Board of Supervisors Chambers
400 County Center, Redwood City
Open Study Session to discuss the items on the Planning Commission agenda for the Big Wave Wellness Center and Office Park Project and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Members of the public are WELCOME to attend the Study Session. As the purpose of the Study Session is for the Planning Commission and Staff to discuss the key issues of the project, this meeting is NOT a public hearing on this item.
Speaking at the Study Session:
All parties wishing to speak will have an opportunity to do so after filling out a Speaker’s slip and depositing it in the Speaker’s slip box. Any person may address the Commission on any item that is on the agenda at the beginning of the Study Session. Any speaker that addresses the Commission at the Study Session shall be limited to ONE minute. Speakers are encouraged to limit their remarks to questions that they believe should be addressed by staff or the Commission at the hearing on the item. Any person who addresses the Commission at the Study Session shall be given full opportunity to address the Commission at the public hearing on the item.
Planning Commission AGENDA: http://www.co.sanmateo.ca.us/Attachments/planning/PDFs/PC/2010/PC0127.pdf